Function to display the Janus API response.
Number of days to fetch the call history data.
Number of records to be fetched.
Sort the records in ascending or descending order.
Sort the records by start time or end time.
Function to update the missed call status in the call history using sessionId and time.
Resolves to an object of type UpdateMissedCallsResponse.Response details with success or error status.
An array of objects containing endTime and sessionId of the missed call history records
Function to delete the call history records using sessionId and endTime.
Resolves to an object of type DeleteCallHistoryRecordsResponse.Response details with success or error status.
An array of objects containing endTime and sessionId of the call history records
Event to listen to.
Callback for event.
Event to remove listener on.
Callback for event.
module is designed to facilitate the retrieval of Call History Records by providing a set of APIs.This code snippet demonstrates how to create an instance of
using webex and logger.Example